Ordering the correct amount of material is essential. First you need to measure the exact square footage of your space. This critical step can be done yourself if you follow our handy guide in the Next Steps section of the site, but it’s best to have a professional double check your work.
Once you have the square footage of your space, you then want to add an additional 10% of that number and that will get you the total amount of flooring you need to order. This step is where most people get tripped up.
Why the extra? Think of your floor like a work of art (it deserves it), if you were to recreate Michelangelo's David, the sculpture is 17’ tall and weighs 12,478.12lbs, would you order that exact amount of marble? No, or you couldn’t actually remove any material during your sculpting.
The average flooring installation produces less wasted material than most renaissance era marble sculptures, but it’s the same principle.
It is always a good idea to have some material left over for several reasons, like in the event a repair is needed (life happens, we get it).
On our product page, when we ask you for your square footage, enter the square footage of your space and we can calculate the 10% extra for you. We give you the freedom to alter that number incase you decide you need a different amount than that.
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